The Christmas Message Nobody Wants to Hear (Part 2)
Posted on January 06, 2015 by Jon Krug in Finishing Well
“Goodbye Christmas… Goodbye New Years… Goodbye sanity!”
That’s actually what a friend of mine said to me this past weekend when I merely asked him, “How were your holidays?” In fact, he admitted that he says that every year. When I asked him “why?”, he didn’t even take a breath before he blurted out, “Because it’s so true and it helps bring me back to reality from what the world does to me at this time every year!”
I thought to myself, “Wow, he’s right. But at least he’s honest.”
Then my next thought was, “Maybe that’s what I need to do now that we are into January 2015. I need to come back to reality.”
We all do. Correct? Or do we?
Maybe right now you are feeling some resistance and somewhere down deep inside you are thinking, “Why can’t I just stay here a little while longer? Why do I have to ‘get real’ again? I really love all the parties, pastries, and pageants. It all feels so good!”
Yes it does. But it also does something else. It provides a great place to hide. Yes, you heard that correctly. I said “hiding.” In other words, if we are not careful, we will begin another new year as “posers.” You know? Pretenders. Just like me. Just like a lot of people. We will choose to ride on feeling instead of fact.
You see, if we were really honest, from about November 15th all the way to January 5th each year, most Christians would admit that there are a myriad of challenges and sidetracks that lure us away from true New Testament Christianity - not twenty-first century Christianity. There’s a difference.
In other words, today after 2000 years have passed, what we actually have is a “new flavor” of Christianity. (Stop here for a moment and re-read Part 1 of this series.) With all the advertising hype, Christmas music and programs, and what I call holiday “sermonettes for Christianettes”, we tend to lose sight after the season is over of how the Lord ‘normally’ goes about working, not only in the world, but most of all, in us. In other words, how and who does He plan to use this year to impact a world that is living deeper in hiding every day?
One of my very best friends, Tim Lusk, said it perfectly the other day. We were talking about the holidays and what happens to us during this festive season each year. Especially to those of us who claim to be part of the “Twenty-first Century Body of Christ” in America. He turned to me and said this:
"Here's the bottom line that nobody wants to hear in church anymore:
When a suffering Christ wants to impact a suffering world, He always uses a suffering Christian."
I just sat there. Then, the tears began to form. I almost felt ashamed. I knew right away I really needed to hear that again.
I looked at him and said, “Say that again, Tim. I need to hear that.” He looked at me and said, “I do to. And even more, we need to say it. Out loud. Both of us. Because hardly anyone anywhere who teaches the Word today is saying it anymore.”
Let me make very sure you heard it also. Why? Because that one line of truth carries with it what I call “the impact of the profound.” You see, we have it all turned around today. Sort of like Christmas. We forget (and the world loves to help us) that Christmas is really about one thing and only one thing.
It’s about going from the cradle to the cross. Period.
Here’s the problem with out twenty-first century Christmas message. We stop with the cradle. As a result, we never get to the cross.
By the way, how many times did you hear about the cross in the past six weeks? Was that the message that came across loud and clear at Dillards? How about Walmart or Target? How about anywhere at Town Center? (No offense to any of those stores or the people who work there. They have to make sales. That’s their job. The cradle sells. The cross doesn’t. So what am I really buying? A new sweater or a new message?)
Oh, by the way, on a more personal note, is that what your kids heard at your house this year? Did they hear that Christmas is about the cross, not just the cradle. They tend to hear exactly what their parents are hearing. You know? It’s what I call the challenge of real parenting where more is always caught than taught.
So here’s the real question: If God chooses to do His best work in a suffering world by introducing them to His suffering Son through suffering Christians, do we have any volunteers this morning? Volunteers for what? For moving now this first week of the year from the cradle to the cross. In other words, learning and committing afresh to what it means to “suffer well.” Author Philip Yancey hits it on the head in the title of his new book, The Question that Never Goes Away. So does Tim Keller in his latest volume, Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering. Any chance you got either of those two books for Christmas this year? Yep. That’s what I thought.
I shared both titles with an acquaintance the other day. You want to know what he said? “You gotta be kidding me? Suffer? I’m not sure I like your theology, Krug.”
I just smiled.
Then I said, “It’s not about theology. It’s about integrity.”
What about you? Have you prayed that prayer yet this new year? You know, the one nobody wants to pray at Christmas. Wouldn’t you love to know how many of His followers has Jesus heard these first five days of the year say to Him, “Lord, this year, I just want you. Not more stuff. Not more spiritual gimmicks. Not more holy huddles. Just you. I don’t care what it costs me. Even if it means suffering, Lord. I’m in. All in.”
Are you in? Especially in what the Bible calls these ‘last days.’ You sure? You ready?
Ready for what? Ready to reconsider Part 2 of The “Christmas Message” Nobody Wants to Hear.
Oh yes. Thank you, Tim,
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Men Who Stand (Part 1) “Vanishing Masculinity”
Previous blog entry:
The Christmas Message Nobody Wants to Hear (Part 1)